Sunday 4 January 2009

Writers' Shoulder

For those of you who were unaware that Writers' Shoulder is an existing medical condition, let me explain that if a pale, freckly writer living in, say, Melbourne, were to forego her Factor 30 one morning by the beach because the weather report said 17 degrees and she was actually quite chilly, waiting for her partner to take part in his first sea race in conditions so arctic that he was the only one not wearing a wet suit (Spot the Poms...okay he's not actually a Pom but seven years in London have obviously scrambled his wires), only to discover that she'd obtained burns so horrific that she is actually purple in some places (think Violet Beauregard post-blueberry wearing a white vest...), resulting in a profound inability to think up long and amusing blog posts, much less type them up...well that would be Writers' Shoulder. So instead let me direct you to an exciting new blog called STRICTLY WRITING. This is definitely one to bookmark. Not least because none of the contributors are stupid enough to get writers' shoulder, though I believe they will be musing on a number of other common writers' complaints, joys and must-do's. Enjoy!

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Administrator said...

Ooh, sound painful, hope you feel better soon:(

Thank you so much for the plug:)

Sam x

Nik Perring said...

Ouch! That doesn't sound too clever! Hope you're better and back to writing soon.


Leon1234 said...

Hello fellow writer!!!

E.G. said...

Hello and thanks, Sam, Nik and Leon - blog comments are the loo roll to my inner Andrex Puppy. Or something.

Caroline Green said...

Hurrah for your Strictly Writing mention! But very much not hurrah for Violet Beauregarde skin. I think you should disregard all weather forecasts and remember the Sun is Evil!